Friday, December 7, 2012


Another bucket list item can be crossed off.

I saw it snow today for the first time in my entire life. 

I realized it was happening when I was walking down the street in the early afternoon and a flake fell on the tip of my nose. 

I was doing some errands and walking down Via Rizzoli when it started. It was sparse, but so beautiful. I always imagined for snow to slowly drift like that through the sky and just float to the ground. It was perfect. 

Afterward I went running with my friend Morgan. It wasn't snowing at this point, but it sure was freaking cold. I felt pretty cool about still going outside. 

Later that night, I went over to her house and we made tomato bisque soup, warm HOMEMADE apple cider, and chocolate chip cookies while we watched movies and talked.  

We opened up a lot to each other about different things.

It was a great evening. It's always so comforting to go to her house and just spend time with her in general. She's one of the most amazing people I've ever met. So lucky to share Bologna with her. 

On the way back from her house that night, it was full on snowing. Some people were walking with umbrellas... so silly. I couldn't have been more happy to be completely covered in snow. 

I made my way to Piazza Maggiore and stood in front of the Christmas tree for the longest time. I was standing,  covered in snow, for the first time. I'll never forget the way the snow was illuminated by city and Christmas lights. 

When I got home, my house was full of the Spaniard boys again, and we stayed up talking for awhile. 

Today, Morgan and I cooked again while listening to Christmas music. We made chicken pesto lasagna and it was delicious. And we used a different recipe to make chocolate chip cookies. 

After we just chilled, belted out our favorite songs, and danced in my room.

I come home in 1 month and 22 days. It's so weird. So so so weird. 

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