Sunday, December 9, 2012


I've learned more than anything I like raw, but kind, honesty.

Sure a white lie comes in handy every once in awhile when someone needs an emotional pick me up. 

Or if someone just can't handle the truth... because some times you need to choose your battles wisely.

For example. 

Question: Are you okay? 
White Lie: Ya, I'm fine. 

But with other things. With how you live. With how you see yourself. With how you communicate with others. Be honest. 

I'm really finding the value in being blunt. Not rudely blunt, but like I said... raw. Sometimes people tell white lies to make a situation easier in the moment, or avoid something, or are afraid to say how they feel, and the thing is... I think you should just say what you're thinking. But make sure to state it kindly. Don't be harsh.

Honesty IS indeed raw. If you're causing a wound, don't rub salt in it while you're at it. 

When someone is skirting around an issue with an obvious white lie, it's almost more insulting, because you see right through it. 

When someone is honest about how they feel in an incredible moment, it's beautiful. It makes that moment so much more real. 

Morgan and I went running again today in Giardini Margherita. The park was still covered in snow. After running 3 miles, we stopped to take a cool down lap. In between throwing snowballs at each other we walked in silence just listening to the  music on our ipods. 

The snow on the trees, the park, the dogs, the people walking, the sunshine, the warm sunshine that made everything glisten and glow... it was breathtaking. And it felt like home.

I started to tear up. But I didn't want Morgan to see, but I looked over to her and her eyes looked like they were watering too. A few minutes later, we were both just like... Not gonna lie, I was tearing up back there. 

We cried for the beauty of the moment. That very moment that we didn't want to slip away. Our current essence, our growth, this time, our age. We want none of that to slip away.

I've told you guys. This place is special. The people I'm sharing it with are special. All of the crap, twists, and turns, highs, and lows I've had to go through to get to this stage in my life... are special.

I know more things in life will be special. But this is different.

I'm getting so anxious about coming back. Because I know the perspectives I've gained here and shared with others, aren't the norm back home. And I'm really good at absorbing and becoming the mentalities/people I'm surrounded by.

I think part of the honesty that I value here is that people can look at a situation and say, you know what this is BS, I want to do XYZ and I'm going to do it.

Having a certain honesty with yourself, accepting that you have your own standards and wants, and that those aren't wrong.... that's important. Being able to say... Hey guess what, that moment was so beautiful it made me cry, sorry I'm not sorry... that's also important. 

I don't know if I'm really making sense and coming to a concise conclusion. Maybe I'm on the brink of a bigger epiphany. But guys. Just be real.

It'll surprise yourself, and it will surprise others.

And it will make a moment so much more beautiful.

So to you I say, those moments where all of these emotions are hitting you, and you're so overwhelmed you almost feel like you can say nothing... say something. Because that's when it counts the most. It takes courage. And you have to swipe aside fear. You risk things being awkward. But WHATEVER. 

The people who say something, the people who seize the moment, and don't let it pass them by, or the people who really savor those moments... I admire you. And you keep me striving to be more in tune with myself, what's around me, and where I'm going in life. You know who you are. 

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