Sunday, December 30, 2012


As this year is coming to a close, I couldn't be more grateful for the people in my life, the opportunities I've been given, the lessons I've learned, and the new things I've experienced. This has been the most rewarding year to date, and I'm so lucky to have share so many incredible moments with everyone in my family, friends from home, White Stag, Berkeley, and Bologna. 

Thanks for helping me cross off more bucket list items than I could imagine, navigate through Europe, start a new life in a foreign country, and grow more than I ever have before as a person. 

Buon Anno Tutti!!!!! You're all incredible, INCREDIBLE people. And I appreciate all that you've done for me! (Especially you family)

I'm spending tonight in Florence with the girls (Morgan and Lara) for NYE, and I'm so excited. 

But most of all. I'm nervous. I'm coming home in 1 month. 

My goal for the next month: live in the present. Wish me luck!

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