Friday, December 14, 2012


So many things to write about. So little words and time to describe everything. So instead I will list what has been happening over the past few weeks:

Hosting a couch surfer

Helping my friend host (and cook) a surprise romantic meal for her italian boyfriend
Walking through random episodes of 10 minutes of light snow
Lasagna. Coffee. 
Nuzzling up into cafes to study for hours on hours. 
Getting closer to my housemates 
Staying up til 3am having incredible conversations with people because you're so scared about not having more time to talk with them in the future(don't wanna leave!!!)
Discussing future plans to meet up with my housemates for reunions in the future
Finishing my classes at Bologna (goodbye first semester Senior year!!!! and hello finals in January)
Yoga SO MUCH yoga 
Running SO MUCH running. 
Saying goodbye to the visiting professor from UCSD, Pasquale Verdicchio. 
Having SO MANY goodbye dinners for Verdicchio. 
Wine. Wine. Wine. 
More food. 
Teaching my Spanish housemate Dani, and his friends how to play Beer Pong.
Pictures. Laughing. 
Cultural exchanges. 
Such freezing weather. 
Not wanting to get out of bed because it's so cozy. 
Walking through streets with beautiful Christmas Lights.

So. That's basically a quick update on everything. I'm sorry I'm still lagging on updating you about Morocco. I promise I'll get on it :) 

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