Sunday, December 16, 2012


An hour ago I just saw Lara off to the airport. Not a permanent trip back home, just for the holidays.

She had to leave around 4:15ish to get to the airport on time. I went to her house to have mimosas and help her pack, and we decided we might as well just stay up the whole night, instead of her going to bed and trying to get up super early. 

We watched Sex and the City 1, and 2. And Bridget Jones's Diary. And Gossip Girl. While also eating veggies, pesto pasta with tomatoes, 2 bars of chocolate, and some hot chocolate. 

On the way home, I was the only person walking down the main street of Bologna.

The street that has existed since the Romans 

(even after "Barbarians" destroyed the city and San Petronio had to construct Santo Stefano to get the city running again).
The street that has the two towers at the end of it.
The street that passes by Piazza Maggiore. 

The street that is completely decked out for Christmas/The Holidays. 
The street that is always so crowded you have to consistently weave in and out of the crowd, just to get where you're going. 

And tonight... it was all mine. The Roman/Medieval main street was empty. barren. And it felt like mine. I could literally walk down the middle of the street, enveloped by fog, mist, and twinkling Christmas lights, and there was no one. 

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