Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I think we underestimate the power of feeling. It's so strong. It's so great. How could we ever forget about something so precious. 

People get so scared to feel. Or they neglect feeling. Why? Isn't that one of our greatest attributes, to feel? To live. To touch. Taste. See. Smell. Hear. FEEL. 

To cry harder than you've ever cried before, to the point where your ribs feel like they're rattling. To have your hand feel so cold from the cold winter, that you almost can't feel it at all. To run so hard your body is in complete and total pain. 

We have the ability to do these things. They seem like bad things, I mean... who wants to cry, be cold, or feel sore? But... there's so many people who are just yearning to do that. Who would give one more day. 

So if you're in a shitty situation. Just feel. And be grateful you can feel. As terrible as things may seem, you have been granted another day to feel.

So as miserable as you think things are... don't take yourself that seriously. Because, in the scheme of things, you're alive. You're feeling. And that is so incredibly beautiful.

Next time you're freaking out. Pause, and think for a moment. And even if things aren't ideal, just remember how lucky you are. You're breathing.

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