Thursday, December 6, 2012


People kickass. Especially people who like the outdoors or are open to helping strangers.

Let me explain. 

Example 1: Backpacking down a trail, and people say hi when you pass them. Fantastic. 

Example 2 comes from today.

I've been regularly running outside, at Giardini Margherita, despite the fact it has been so freezing and I have to  wear 3 layers when I go out. 

Each lap around the park is a little over a mile. The walk (or run) there and back is a little over 2 miles. 

Today I thought, hmmm I'll aim for 3 or 4 laps.

I kept a great pace the whole time, but once lap 4 started, I started to waiver a little bit. But I felt motivated because I kept passing the same people.

One group in particular though, started to high-five me every time I ran by because I was the only girl running in the park at that time.

I ended up doing 6 laps. Without stopping. At the end, of my run, -- at the spot where I usually passed the high-five group -- they started to exit the park, and they waved goodbye and smiled.

If I could talk with them, I would say thank you for encouraging me, and making me push myself. I realized I can run so much harder if I push myself and believe I can do it.

But I think they already knew I appreciated it. Those moments are amazing. So much understanding, and yet not a single word was spoken. 

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