Sunday, February 9, 2014


Never be afraid of the world's ability to shape you, and never doubt your capacity to shape the world. 

In an individualistic and capitalist society, we place to much emphasis on the individual. Of course being an individual is so incredibly important; every person needs to be aware of their worth and all of their lovely qualities. 

However, coming from someone who works alone in the woods and lives in a tiny town, a sense of community, and human interaction is necessary (at least for me) to live a fulfilling and blooming life. 

Living and working alone has helped shed light on how much a simple interaction with a complete stranger can, dare I say, change your life and also theirs. Traveling made me incredibly open to meeting new people, and how others can teach you so much about yourself and the world. But, hypocritically, I feel like I'm more hesitant to be open with people in the US. Maybe it's because our culture is so individualized, that sometimes I feel like I can't always fearlessly approach others like I do when I'm traveling? 
Anyway, experiencing isolation has instilled in me, quite a bit more courage, to get to know, and learn from, others. I've stopped caring so much about whether or not people think I'm weird for being social and friendly.

And as odd as it may sound, I've found that if you truly want everyone you encounter to be happy and to feel loved, they will pick up on that vibe from you, and will be even more open to talking with you; they will be more likely to return the feeling of love and happiness. 

If you walk out your door, each morning, with this vibe and with these positive intentions for yourself and the rest of the world -- your simple loving-kindness will change someone's day, and in turn they will be more likely to be open with you and CHANGE YOUR DAY. Idealistically, I believe that almost everyone is secretly seeking a feeling of being interconnected. We all are wrapped up in our iPhones and social networks, which only provide a cover-up for our desire of social interaction. And since we're so used to hiding behind the letters of a keyboard, we're too scared and paralyzed by societal norms to take the first step in interacting with a stranger. 

So, take a moment, and indulge in the feeling of love and kindness; wish that others feel loved and accepted. And then, make the first move in getting to know someone. Let's increase the level of reciprocal grace and circular flow in our lives. 

While you're at it, listen to these kickin' tunes; they'll put a pep in your step and will make you want to take on, and shape, the world that I, you, and we, live in... I promise.

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