Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Berkeley in Bologna?

Today has been one of those, walk everywhere and get lost -- with or without intention -- days.

Trying to find my classes today I definitely got lost, but even if I didn't find where my class was, I found where a different class was or found a beautiful place. 

I felt slightly ridiculous trying to decipher what was being said in lecture today. Just as I felt like I had a grasp on what the teacher was saying, he'd change subjects. Buttt rumor has it, that in a couple of weeks this won't be a problem.

Plus, I can always go to their office hours. :) 

After class today, I decided to purposefully get lost. And it was great. I promise pictures will come soon. 

I stumbled upon multiple streets that I had been to before, but just couldn't recall how I had gotten there. And since school has started, and no one is on vacation anymore, the streets are so much more lively than the first time I saw them.

And here's one fun fact about Bologna. Students sort of dictate everything here. 

The University of Bologna is the first Western University in the world. It started in 1088. And since then, the businesses, the construction, and the culture of this city have been dependent upon students. Really.

So it wasn't too shocking when I walked down these streets, and felt like I was in a completely different place since the first time I had walked down them. 

One street in particular was literally filled with fish markets, chocolate shops, gelaterias, bakeries, soap shops, meat markets, bookstores, everything. 

Walking down this street, as the sun was setting, the breeze was blowing, and the air was literally filled with so many incredible scents... was so unreal. 

I think I now understand what a true European evening feels like. 

On my way back to my apartment. I just happened to look up at a store window, and there's a new clothing line at this store called Berkeley. So in big letters in the window, it just said BERKELEY. It literally brought the biggest smile to my face. 

After I got home. My friend Lara wanted to go out for another stroll. And we basically made it our mission to find as many chocolate shops as we could and try one chocolate from each place. AMAZING.

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