Saturday, September 29, 2012

A or B

Lately I've been thinking about the big question: "What do I want to do for the rest of my life?" (But then again, don't we all?)

Being in Italy has kind of altered my perception on life, school, and money.

The school system here is much more relaxed. School doesn't need to be your life here. It doesn't need to be what you stress over.

Undergraduate classes have optional attendance, and offer reading material to supplement for missed lectures. Graduate classes (which are much smaller) are usually always mandatory, but it's more like a discussion section.

You don't have to worry about tests every week. And sure there are benefits to being quizzed on material, but it's interesting to see something so starkly different from our own school system. 

It makes you think, why do I stress so much? Why don't we focus more on learning. 

And people also aren't as stressed about their jobs here (generally). On a daily basis people are out til 2 or 3 in the morning, socializing, sipping on drinks, and eating. Not worried about getting to bed by 8pm the night before work.

There's always something to do at all hours of the night, except from 6am-8am. 

It's a different life here. With different things being emphasized. Money doesn't seem as emphasized, fashion is slightly relaxed in Bologna (more on that in another blog), and school isn't something to cry over on a daily basis. 

So when a friend and I were talking about what we wanted to do for the rest of our lives last night, we narrowed it down to the two options everyone is torn between: 

A. Let your work be your means.
B. Let your work be your means to an end.

He then showed me this video. And I think it's pretty powerful. Just something to think about.


Salty Projections

The moment the salty distaste of another fills your mouth with indigestible words is the moment self-loathing within becomes projected upon...