Monday, October 22, 2012

2 months

Well, 2 days ago signified another benchmark that has been reached since I have been here: 2 months have past since I arrived here clueless, scared shitless, and luggageless. 

And I don't want to beat a dead horse about all of the changes that have occurred and yada, yada, yada, but let's be real here: a lot of things have indeed, well... changed

I think if someone asked me, should I study abroad in college, I don't know if I would officially say yes. I think someone can go to a foreign country whenever they really want to, and immerse themselves in a culture and experience similar things. Studying abroad just kind of puts the experience on a silver platter.

Kind of like being in a sorority or fraternity, or even a coop, for some people, yes I am comparing studying abroad to being in a fraternity. Being in a sorority, or a coop, sort of sets up your college experience for you on a silver platter. You don't have to try and find your friends, they are pretty much already there for you, same with planned activities and other things.

Study abroad kind of does that too. There's no guarantee that you'll connect or click with the people in your program, but you still have the option to have people put right in front of you, and you can theoretically "choose from them," instead of trying to go find a local to befriend you (not that this is a bad thing, because you should meet locals FOR MANY REASONS, but for the foreigner that was scared like me -- I will admit it was quite nice to have people, or friends, already lined up for me). 

However, for you adventurous types out there, you could take the carpe-that-fucking-diem attitude, and come here without a program, and just dive head first into the Italian culture. I'll admit, the program let's you dip your toes a bit first, before taking a huge leap of faith. But even when you're just trying to dip your toes in, and get a feel for everything, you still end up getting pulled into the water, eventually. 

So basically, if you come here with a program, or if you come here on your own, whether it be for 6 months, a year, or more, you'll still end up at the same place: having to immerse yourself in the culture around you. I think which ever option someone chooses, if they even choose one of the options, just depends on how much of an adventure you want, and how much of a risk taker you are. 

(I know this post is really long, but bare with me, I'm reflecting here).

When I had been here for 2 weeks, I made a post comparing how much I had already changed since I first arrived. And to be honest, there were honestly some major differences. I know it seems like, "oh, it's only been 2 weeks, how can someone change?" But to you I say, change can happen overnight. Within seconds actually.

There's a reason why things feel like they might not be changing from day to day, and then when you reflect back on your life a year later, you think to yourself, "Who the hell was I just a mere year ago?"

Well for me, I was thinking, and today I'm thinking, "Who the hell was I just a mere two weeks/months ago?"

I had so much freaking fear when I got here. So much. And I think it's still there... hiding somewhere, but for now I think I have become a much a stronger person, strong enough to quell that fear, at least momentarily. I've adapted, and quite frankly, I love it here.

When I stepped off the plane that first day. I loathed this place. For various reasons. And now, I'm literally torn between spending the rest of my life here, or in my city by the bay. 

And speaking of that carpe diem, America... we kind of need to work on that. Because we suck in terms of actually taking advantage of our day and enjoying our lives, but more on that in another post.

And this all happened in 2 months. And I'm really excited to see what other changes are going to happen.

Sorry for the super long post guys, except.... I'm not that sorry.

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