Monday, October 15, 2012


Probably one of my favorite books of all time, the one book that has had the most profound affect on me, is Viktor Frankl's "Man's Searching for Meaning." I read it in high school, it was required reading. 

The book,  "[chronicles his experiences as a concentration camp inmate and [describes] his psychotherpeutic method finding a reason to live."

Truly an amazing book that puts your life into perspective, and makes you question how you react to things. 

If there's anything I learned in my first weeks of being here -- with the help of this book -- is in any situation that comes your way, you have the ability to make the experience as shitty or as great are you want it to be. 

Frankl comes to the conclusion in his book that when stripped of absolutely everything -- identity, possessions, family, friends -- the only thing you have left is the ability to react to situations and experiences. 

After mulling over all of these things when I arrives here, I then saw this quote:

And listened to some good ol' Cat Stevens:

I'm not perfect, I definitely have my off days. But I think this book, that quote, and this song, are nice little reminders that some times we just take all of this crap way too seriously (thanks for toning down my seriousness too Italy) and just need to RFL as my mom's coworker says: re-fucking-lax, and appreciate that we're here. living. breathing. and normal (well... the last one might be HIGHLY questionable). 

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