Sunday, October 14, 2012

Is yo mama fo' obama?

So yesterday evening, there was a photo opportunity, for all Americans who live in Bologna (and support Obama), to send a picture to the President. 

Everyone met in Piazza Neptuno, in front of La Fontana di Deptuno, and we took a picture. 

Afterward, I was talking with a few girls from my class, and a cute little blonde haired girl came up to me, stuck out her hand to shake mine, and with a HUGE smile on her face, said, "Obama?" 

I smiled back, stuck out my hand, smiled, and said Obama. We shook hands, and she turned around and went to talking with the other little ones. 

She was about 5 years old. 

So cute. 

I'm holding the corner of the poster by the "A" 

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