Thursday, October 18, 2012

And then the adventure began...

So after going to Venice with my family and Lara, and getting officially settled in Bologna, I've started to make travel plans! 

At the beginning of November I will be going to Paris to visit my friend Stella. If anyone has any recommendations, please send them my way!

And for Thanksgiving weekend, I will  be heading off to Madrid, and then Morocco with Stella, Gaby, and Kelly. 

Day trips across Italy will be scattered throughout the weeks. And there is a trip to the alps in the works for Winter. Also figuring out Amsterdam, Germany, etc. :) 

I am seriously so excited. 

For one night we'll be sleeping under the stars in the Sahara desert. 

I'm STOKED. I have a pretty intensive bucket list that I made a few months ago, for life in general. And I'm not crossing off a ton of stuff off the list while I'm here, but I'm getting closer to being able to cross things off; i.e. go to all 7 continents. 

I've had people tell me that although the bucket list is a nice idea, that I'm not going to be able to do all of those things. And to them, I say, you are SO incredibly WRONG. 

□Travel across Europe
√Fly a kite
□Visit the Grand Canyon
□Live on the East Coast
□Learn to wakeboard
√Learn to surf
√Go parasailing
√Sail a boat
□Plant my own tree
□Go to the Sahara Desert
□Publish a photo journalism article
□Drive down Route 66
□Backpack the entire JMT
□Bungee Jump
□Visit the modern seven wonders of the world
□Swim in all four ocean
□Dive on the Great Barrier Reef
√Be able to build a fire
√Go shooting
□Make wine
□Stomp on grapes
√Jet ski in the Caribbean
□Learn archery
□Ride in a hot air balloon
√Pick Olives
□Go to all 7 continents
√Sleep under the stars
□Learn how to play an instrument (again)
√Break a Guinness World Record
□Go to Coachella
√Sail in a storm
√Go White Water Rafting
√Try a new sport
√Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge
□Go to the Amazon
□Go to the Pyramids
□Hike the Andes
√Hike in the snow/ice
□Climb Mount Everest
√Jump off a high cliff into the water
□Go Windsurfing
□Drive a Lamborghini
√Throw a snowball at someone
√Cut down a tree
□Build an igloo
□Go to the World Cup
□Go to the Olympics
√Go Skinny Dipping
□Win something in the Lotto
□Win 500+ dollars when gambling
√Study Abroad
□Swim with dolphins
√Swim with stingrays
□Go Shark Cage Diving
□Go to all 50 states
√Feed stingrays
√Swim with turtles
□Hike Half Dome
√Go kayaking
□Go Scuba Diving
□Find a Geo-cache
□Ride a mechanical bull
√Kiss in the rain
□Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
□Go to the top of the Empire State Building
□See the statue of Liberty
□Learn to sew
√Walk on a frozen lake
√Backpack 30+ miles in one day
□Backpack the Pacific Crest Trail
√Go tidepooling at night
□See the Northern Lights
□Go Snow Camping
□Have a job in a foreign country
□Fly in a blimp
□Fly in a helicopter
□Stand outside/see when it’s snowing
□Climb Mt. Whitney
□Grow a garden
□Go paddle boarding
□Make bread from scratch
 √Go body surfing
√Go for a run in the pouring rain
□Take a road trip across the United States
□Get a Masters Degree
√Go to Mono Lake
□Get VIP passes to a concert and go backstage
□Become a vegetarian
√Watch a meteor shower
□Start a business
□Be an extra in a film
□Create my dream home
□Run a half-marathon
□Run a marathon
□Do a triathlon
√Ride an elephant
√Ride a camel
√Go indoor skydiving
√Visit the Vatican
□Learn to ballroom dance
□Learn to salsa dance
□Write a book
√Stand under a waterfall
√Ride a gondola in Venice
□Ride a Vespa in Europe
□Be in 4 states at once (four corners)
√Ride on the back of a motorcycle
□Be fluent in another language (almost there!!)
√Be on a college sport club team

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