Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Fall is in the air. and I am so excited. 

I love the crunch of leaves beneath my feet. The hues of red, orange, and yellow. The crisp cold air. And of course, the rain that makes you want to snuggle up with some hot chocolate. 

I can't wait for scarves, for boots, for big sweaters, for three layers of blankets on my bed. 

I can't wait to do what my dad does just for me every fall/winter: grab a pot, fill it with water, cinnamon sticks, sliced oranges, and lemons. put it on the stove, low heat, and get ready for your house to smell like heaven. 

I love sitting in cafes with tons of layers on, as it rains outside, while I drink coffee, read, admire the eclectic decor, and listen to jazz music. 

But most of all. I can't wait for the change in people. I feel like every fall/winter, people become so much more friendly and so much easier to relate to. Maybe that's just the winter baby in me.

But there's just something about fall and winter.

Here is the park I always run at. These are just pictures from google images. I'm slacking on the photos. But just so you guys have an idea of what it looks like and what it will look like once the leaves fall :)

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