Sunday, October 28, 2012


So my friend had a costume party yesterday, and it was absolutely hilarious to see people's costumes. One of my friends dressed as a table, and one of my guy friends as a woman with a pink wig. These were the type of costumes that make you think... Damn, good thing they aren't in public right now. And then the unthinkable happened... We had to leave the apartment because we were being too noisey.

But in Italia, you can drink wine outside, so we just continued to hang out in a Piazza. We all got a lot of weird stares and people who wanted to take pictures with us. It made for an interesting night nonetheless. 

Before the Halloween party I volunteered with PACE for a little bit, the organization that does English events for Italian children. Every year they put on a Halloween party for kids, and me and my friend Jessica volunteered for over 6 hours. 6 hours. With children.

Okay, so it really wasn't bad. It was actually really fun. It's so neat to see how eager they are to learn, and do different crafts, but it still makes me realize that I am definitely not ready for a "family lifestyle" any time soon. Kids are fun to play with, but at the end of the day, I'm definitely eager to pass the little ones back over to their parents. 

Today has been a typical lazy Sunday. Took a bath for the first time, in what feels like, years. As I was soaking in the tub, I kept thinking about how great this experience has  been, and yet sometimes I honestly forget I am even in Italy. As I was thinking this, the bells in the due torri, by my house, started to go off. How's that for surreal?

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