Sunday, October 7, 2012


The weather in Bologna thus far has been so beautiful. When I first got here, it was a lovely 100+ degrees every day.

Now the weather is in the 70's, with a warm breeze, and the occasional rain or thunderstorm. Perfetto! 

To take advantage of this great weather, this week has been filled with outdoor picnics. 

A few nights a go, a group of us had a "dolce aperitivo" in Piazza Maggiore. We sat in the Piazza, on a blanket, and had wine, champagne, cookies, dark chocolate, fruit, and yogurt dip in the middle of the night. 

While we were sitting in the middle of the Piazza, there was a classical music concert going on outside that sounded like the type of music you'd here in Disneyland. It was so surreal to hear such beautiful music, while we were casually laying in the Piazza, laughing, telling jokes, and reminiscing over the past few years in college. 

We had a cute older couple from Wisconsin approach us and ask us if we were American, and they talked with us for a bit. It was such a great, but brief, conversation, and as they left, we smiled at each other and all wished each other the best in life. 

Yesterday some friends and I had, yet another, picnic in Giardini Margherita (this is the park I go running in). We sat around the edge of a large grass field, that reminds me so much of Memorial Glade (berkeleywithdrawals). 

We ate brie, baguettes, sundried tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, sliced meat, grapes, and plums, and had some wine. It was so nice to just enjoy the sunshine and really spend some time in the park. It's great for running, but I've never really just sat down and taken in the beauty of this area. 

These are the moments I live for in Bologna. 

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