Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Alright, so you know that whole shpeel that everyone gives you about going abroad, saying it's going to be like going to Disneyland?

LIES. Sometimes it feels more like this.... 

Now, don't get me wrong, it's pretty great here, and I'm sure there are some people out there who have amazing experiences where it feels like a super long vacation.

But for those of us who choose to do the immersion program, I think people forgot to tell us that this was actually going to be difficult. Like when you're 3 years old, and you think Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, and then you stand in like for 3 hours to get on Splash Mountain.

I'm sure you're thinking... Olivia, quit your bitching, you're in Italy. Dude, trust me I know. I'm surrounded by buildings that were constructed in the 1200's and Renaissance... no big deal.

And I definitely appreciate being here. It's amazing to walk around and be surrounded by all of this history!

The only way I can describe the experience here is that bliss, epiphanies, and contentment, come in "waves." There are moments when you feel like you have everything together and everything figured out, and the next day you're like... damn I don't have a freaking clue.

Right now, as rain is falling outside of my window, and I'm having a mellow night in. I'd say, feeling pretty content.

But like I said... it comes and it goes.

So my plan, is just to ride the waves and see where they take me. 

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