Sunday, September 2, 2012

2 weeks.

It's been two weeks.

Two weeks ago I: 

1. was scared

2. luggage-less
3. knew no one
4. missed everyone from home
5. honestly, wanted to get right back on the plane and head back 
6. had no idea how to navigate this city 
7. didn't know what to expect
8. was hoping for epiphanies

The score was definitely Bologna: 1, Olivia: 0. I had felt like the city was going to eat me alive. 

Two weeks later I:

1. am still scared

2. have my luggage
3. know a lot of people, and have friends
4. still miss everyone 
5. love being here, and think everyone in my life should just move here (the actual city of berkeley included)
6. know how to get around this place, (crazy circular streets included!) 
7. have a better idea of what to expect
8. have already had some epiphanies 

The score is now tied. Bologna: 1, Olivia: 1. Now I'm going to eat the city? (Sorry guys, I couldn't think of anything clever). 

So all in all, I'm definitely doing better. Still miss you guys a lot (even though I think you should all live here instead), but things are going well. 

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