Saturday, September 1, 2012


Yesterday's run turned out being more than just Jessica and I :) It was, us, Morgan, and Lara!

We ran through the Berkeley hills, down into the city again, and headed to the running/semi "indoor/outdoor club" park to do some abs and push ups. We had an incredible work out! It's so nice to work out with other people! (I also still need to get pictures of this area for you guys!)

After an incredible hot shower at my apartment, I met up with all 3 girls, plus some others, for an awesome dinner at Chloe's house (another student from UC Berkeley!). We had great pasta, and veggies, and dinner only cost us 3 euros each. Of course, we had to go and get gelato afterward :) The weather has finally cooled down in Bologna, and although I love heat, it's nice to be able to put at least one sheet on you while you're sleeping. 

Today, my friends and I went into "beast mode" as we like to call it. In Bologna there is a BEAUTIFUL church in the far far away hills, called San Luca. It has a beautiful covered pathway leading up to it, with 666 arches (slightly creepy and ironic).

Originally we thought it was 666 steps. SO WRONG. Not only did it take us 20-30 minutes to walk to where the arches started, but the length of each arch is equal to about 7 steps. We walked the path back, and forth... sooo we at least did 4662 steps (times TWO). Not bad. It was definitely hard to walk up though because I'm so freaking sore from all of the exercise this week, but it's a good type of sore :) I just made a lot of ridiculous noises when walking up some of the steps. 

The walk up there, however, was absolutely beautiful. On the way back it started to rain, and we walked in the rain when there wasn't a covered pathway to hide under. It has been so long since I've been able to just walk in the rain, and not be in a rush to get anywhere. It was such a refreshing feeling. I missed it. 

Today was definitely a beautiful day. Even though I was extremely tired, I felt relaxed, laughed a lot, saw a gorgeous place, saw some history, and got a good sweat in.

Yet again, another good day :) Tomorrow will be dedicated to homework and staying indoors, but I honestly don't mind, it's been raining all weekend, AND tomorrow a group of us are going to make some gourmet burgers. I'm talking with fancy shmancy cheese, grilled onions, pesto (and more!), sweet potato fries on the side, and a pazookie for dessert.


I miss you guys, and hope all is well.

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