Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday, sweet Sunday

So once again, yours truly is having another lazy Sunday.

We woke up this morning to the sound of a (not so good) band playing outside our window, while the bells inside the two towers (right around the corner) were going off... and telling everyone to get their arrsses to church. 

We spent the morning slowly getting up, and I went to go do some quick grocery shopping so I could have breakfast. (I got the last container of yogurt at the store and I was stoked... it's the little things that matter, right?)

Sidenote: I officially know who all of my housemates are now! One is named Danny, he's living in the single. He's from Valencia, Spain :) His Italian isn't too great, so communicating hasn't been easy, my roommate knows Spanish so she's been helping us communicate, but more on that later.

The two people who will be living in the double are supposed to move in soon, they're both Italians, but don't know each other. (One guy, one girl). The guy is named Stefano, and the girl is Camila. SO EXCITED.

But anyway, back to Sunday. After breakfast my roommate Nathaly was saying that Danny feels so bad that we haven't been able to talk much because of the language barrier, I said I felt the same. So all three of us sat down, and just started talking. Things that Danny or I couldn't understand, Nathaly would translate for us.

Eventually, Danny asked us if we had any Italian textbooks. So we grabbed our books and then I started teaching him Italian for awhile! :) It was pretty freaking sweet. He can recognize English words, it's just hard for him to speak, so teaching him has been a breeze and it's helping me review things too!

My friend Lara has been chilling at our place today, and while I was teaching him Italian, she was like... I want pancakes. So we've decide to make pancakes, sausage, and eggs, for dinner tonight (all ingredients are already purchased). Danny has never had pancakes before, sooo this will be an experience.

When Lara and I went to the grocery store today, we found natural peanut butter that was actually worth the price. We have been wanting it so badly, so we just buckled down and bought it. 

When we came home, we made peanut butter and jelly, and let me just tell you, I haven't felt more at home since I've got here. 

So the life lesson here is: Don't underestimate the potential of things to make you feel good. Even though nutella is more popular here than peanut butter, sometimes it can be a bit much for me. It's okay to be in a different place, and want something that isn't as "normal" somewhere. If it makes you feel at home,  just do it! 

As far as my living situation goes, things are still great, and it feels so nice to come to my apartment at the end of the day. Especially now that I have pb&j in my fridge.

That's all for now :) I'll let you know how the pancakes go. We're planning on doing some banana walnut bancakes, and some chocolate blueberry ones. Excited? Yes I am! 

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