Friday, September 28, 2012

Francese o Spagnola?

So let's just say, upon arriving here, I thought all of my past Italian knowledge, combined with being immersed in Italian was going to make my speaking capabilities flourish.

Well. Let's just say it hasn't entirely. If you want me to talk about my family, feminism, Bologna, history, or my major... I could talk for a very long time, especially if I'm speaking to someone I feel comfortable around.

But throw me into a new environment, with new vocabulary, and I might just sound like Brad Pitt in Inglorious Bastards.

Except for the fact that I am not one of the hottest men on the planet. Anddd I don't scalp people.

In the center of Bologna, many would call that area "a tourist trap." It caters to students and tourists, and the food isn't as good as it is farther out in the city, or on cute little side streets (see previous blog about amazing meatballs and pumpkin soup). 

So when I go into stores in the center, there's a lot of business owners and servers who want to get a transaction over with as soon as possible. They can tell I don't originally speak Italian, and they just respond in English.

To me, that's basically just them saying, "Yo. Why you trying?" I still speak Italian back, but it's frustrating, and makes you feel a little weak sauce on your language capabilities. 

Now, at the smaller stores, or different bakeries there have been many people who have been down like funky town to help a Californian out with their Italian. It's great! 

Today I had two interactions with two different people that were a little boost to my language capabilities. Sooo... I don't feel like Brad Pitt as much.

At a flower stand today, I ended up talking with the owner, and he asked where I was from, and he said, but you look like you're Italian! I told him a little bit about my family history, and he said my Italian was beautiful. *SWOON*

Earlier today, I went to go get a kebab wrap... okay Berkeley food I MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY... and the owner asked if I was "Francese o Spagnola." Okay, so he still thought I was foreign. But dude. Getting mistaken for a European. Secret dream of mine.

Current score?

Bologna - 1. Olivia - 2.

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