Wednesday, September 19, 2012

1 month

1 month. I have been here for one. whole. month. 

Say whatttt? In some ways I feel like I've been here longer, and in other ways, I'm just like wait wait wait.... I just got here, didn't I?

I'm in my final week of my ILP (Intensive Language Program) Course through UCEAP. 

Today I had a final presentation that I gave on eco-cities, and how they relate to European citties.... all in Italian. And this Friday I have my oral exam, and then FINITO (for one week, and then Bologna courses start). 

To celebrate being here for one month, and finishing my presentation, my friend Lara and I went out for lunch. 

Guys. I had one of the best meals of my life today. WAY better than that meal in Ravenna with all of the meat, cheese, and bread. 

Lara and I have passed by this tiny little restaurant multiple times. It seemed small and ecclectic, as it was tucked a way on a little side street, hiding from the tourist traps of Bologna. 

We've been wanting to go there for so long. And today we just went for it. 

The waiter read off what the specials were, and one of the dishes was a meatball dish with pumpkin soup. Obviously we went for it. 

When our dish arrived, my mind was blown. It was so simple, yet so incredible. It has been almost a year since I had a meal that was so good that I had to eat it as slowly as possible, because I didn't want the food to be gone. 

The soup was very thick, and was served on the plate, with the meatballs on top. There was also lettuce served in a light dressing, and grilled zucchini and bell peppers that were slightly aldente at the same time. 

The meatball/soup combination tasted like Fall in a meal. The meatballs reminded me of deer meat, and it tasted like the meatballs were cooked in a little bit of brown sugar, and maybe a dash of nutmeg. 

On the side we were given bread that had a sunflower seed crust. It was served with some of the best olive oil I've had, which once you pour some on your plate, you're supposed to sprinkle sea salt in your olive oil. RIDICULOUSLY GOOD. 

I haven't felt this content/happy since I arrived here. The place is so cute inside, with tons of book shelves, mismatched chairs, jazz music playing in the background, and hipster servers. 

We finished the meal off with an espresso, and it was absolute perfection. AND it was only 10 euro for the meal. This meal, in my opinion, was worth over 20 euro per plate. 

IT WAS JUST. THAT. GOOD. So for any of you who decide to come visit me, I know where I'm taking you for dinner. 

Lara and I plan to become regulars there, and spend our Sunday mornings studying there and sipping on coffee. 

Good food really does make everything better. 

Oh, and speaking of good food. I made this for dinner today. By myself. Yee. 

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