Sunday, September 9, 2012

Routines, Ravenna, and Relaxing.

Oh herro errbody!!!

Sorry I've been herruh (helluh or hella) MIA, but this week has been incredibly busy... and yet so not busy at the same time.

The rain has died out for now and the temp has settled in the 80's, much better than the ridiculous heat we were having when I first got here. I love an occasional night where I can't sleep with a single sheet on me, but only if it gets cold enough in the middle of the night where you have to pull a sheet over you when you're half asleep. 

3 weeks ago, I couldn't even stand the feeling of my own pillow because it was so hot, BUT enough of that tangent.

The majority of this week was pretty mellow, just me getting used to the routine, and officially settling in. I've got my daily routine down, and it feels pretty comforting to wake up and not wonder why I'm not sleeping in Sammy's, Theta, or my home.

I've also been cooking a lot more! This past week my friends and I made, mac&cheese gnocchi, grilled veggies, pasta with sauce made from scratch, bruschetta, etc. SO GOOD.

While on the topic of food, on Friday our class took a field trip to Ravenna to see Dante's tomb, and where his funeral was . For lunch we ate at an Enoteca (which is basically primarily known for wine, but they also serve pasta, meat, cheeses, etc).

It was SO FREAKING GOOD! When I arrived, I knew the place was going to be good, just because of the decor, but when the pasta arrived I was like dude... this looks way too simple. 

It was barely covered in any sauce, had a little bit of diced tomatoes, and there was some freshly graded parmesan to put on it. BUT OMG. It was heaven. After that they served us sliced meets, squaquerone (a spreadable cheese), and warm pita-ish bread that sort of tasted like biscuits. And of course we had wine the whole time. DELICIOUS!

We also went to a museum early that day and say beautiful modern mosaics that were made hundreds of years ago, and this stuff was truly modern, (like it would look normal/great in your house modern).

 But then again there is this unicorn.... don't know if I'd exactly put that in my house. HAHA

Seeing where Dante's funeral was incredible. There's a little room underneath the alter area where there's columns, (and because the city is sinking and is super coastal -- the room is filled with water and goldfish). When you pass by the room (there's a little window where you can see in, you make a wish and throw a coin in).

It was such a nice day and the streets are super pedestrian friendly, and wide. The buildings are soft, and the city is bright and airy. We took the train to and from, so I can officially say I have ridden a train in Europe! CHECK!

Yesterday I did a pseudo-training that will put me on the priority list for babysitting Italian children in English. It's with an organization called PACE and yesterday was a children's festival that spread across multiple streets. We had a booth where kids could make shakers, and we taught them in English.

I met this little girl Bianca, and throughout the day she would come back to the booth tap my leg, say "vieni" (come with me!) and grab my hand and take me to make another shaker. SO CUTE. 

On our break we ate gelato, and it was probably the best gelato I've ever had. Imagine an ice cream that tastes like rich dark chocolate, but also tastes like dark chocolate cake. SO GREAT.

So yeah :) There's my week! It's been 3 weeks, another 21 to go.

Love you all! 

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