Monday, September 24, 2012

Feeling at home

It's hard for me to believe I am in my senior year of college. I feel like time has passed by so fast, but I'm also so disconnected from the person I was freshman year. 

So much has changed since I was that clueless little freshman who woke up terrified by my first day in the dorms -- not knowing what Berkeley, or that day, would bring. 

Freshman year, I thought home was the idea of being tied to a place. "Home" was San Juan, and nowhere else. The thought of trying to make Berkeley my home seemed exciting and yet ridiculous all at once.

I was so tied to high school, to everything I had known the passed 18 years, that moving on seemed impossible. 

Freshman year, I didn't have a job, I had no idea how to deal with all of that "real life" stuff (that was just for people over 25 any way... wasn't it?). I was making completely new friends, figuring out new routines, and trying to discover me.

Fast forward a few years, and I've met more people than I could ever imagine, and now feel completely at "home" at Berkeley. I figured out my routines and sort of discovered me. I got a job, took out student loans, planned out my trip to Bologna, and navigated my way here. 

I've learned that home isn't necessarily a place, but the people who are there with you, the people who make you excited to come to your apartment at the end of the day. I've experienced feeling at home and not feeling at home at a place, and I truly feel that no matter how used you get to a location, it's not going to feel at home until you actually feel welcomed, happy, and comfortable. 

Being here I've definitely learned the difference between home and familiar. My place feels familiar, but as I do more things here with other people it feels like home. Or when I go over to someone's house for dinner, it feels like home, because of who I'm surrounded by. 

Earlier yesterday, I walked around the city with Lara and Jessica, looked at a cute little antique fair, and had really great gelato. We had gelato at a place that reminds me of Ici, and just sat on a curb and chowed down. And I felt at home. The place was so great, that we went back after we ate ice cream and got these little treats. 

And last night my friend Chloe invited us over for dinner, and it was completely on the house. It was her brother's birthday (he's visiting her for the week), and she wanted to make it the best birthday he's ever had. The food was delicious! And we all chatted, sang our favorite songs, ate good food, and drank great wine.

Yes. that is me drinking wine out of a Lion King cup. 

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