Sunday, January 20, 2013


The last week had been a mix of shenigans: 
Snow ball fights in the middle of the street (all of us being 20+ years old), 14+ people in my kitchen -- all with their own pizza. Dancing the night away, laughing until you can't breathe, lazy mornings, earl grey tea, laughs, hugs, aperitivos, BUT ALSO SO MUCH STUDYING. And my first cannoli. 

Through the past week I've been kind of summarizing what are the greatlest lessons I've learned here. It all kind of started when my friend Ryan asked me and my friend Chloe what is the one thing we've learned from being here. But, it was so hard to choose one thing. So, here's the list:

1. Things will happen in time. 

This isn't really a positive look out, necessarily. It's more of a "life goes on" outlook. You don't need to know the solution now, because one will eventually arise, whether it's good or bad, WHO KNOWS. But just keep doing one step at a time, because every step is a step forward. Even if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can't see the tunnel; just step. 

2. Be patient, go with the flow, and relax. 
There are some situations you can control in life. You can do everything in your power to make something happen, but sometimes you have to wait on other people to finish the other half of a transaction. Or maybe you have a goal in mind and you feel like you're working so hard for it, but nothing has happened yet. Well, to you I say (in light of number 1), be patient. Go with the flow and breathe. 

3. Live YOUR life. 
If you want to do something, do it. Save up for it. Even if it's a dollar a day. If you want to break a habit, start a habit, be or feel a certain way, just start taking those little steps to get in that direction. I think society sets too many standards for what it means to be an "acceptable and working member of society." Life isn't just about work. Life is about, well... life. The things that matter to you. Yes, we technically need money to function in our society, but your life is still your life. Make of it what you want. It's never too late or too early to do something. 

4. Cook, always cook. 
You make so many connections with people when you're cooking. You create something together. It's great. I've gotten pretty experimental here with cooking. But, I've realized I like cooking for others, and not really for just myself. Sooo, if you're ever down for a meal, just let me know :)

5. Say what's on your mind. 
Be on honest and upfront, even if it makes the other person a little uncomfortable because it's better to say what you've always wanted to say, or say what you need to say, then let it go. Usually the consequences of not saying anything will probably be much worse. I rather spend my whole life saying, "Well that was embarrassing," than wondering "What if." But, this isn't an excuse to be an ass. Words can still hurt, so be kind with your words. 

6. Layers are important. 
I don't mean this in an elitist way, but people have different layers, different things that interest them. If you feel sad or limited when you're hanging out with someone, you don't have an obligation to them .This doesn't make them a bad person. But why limit yourself, or make yourself unhappy. This isn't to say you have to disconnect this person from your life, just maybe don't expect them to identify with your same layers or don't make them your entire life.

7. And finally... (a quote I saw today): 
"Where you invest your love, you invest your life." 
I get what the original meaning of this is, but I'm going to spin it. Just love your life. Love the things and people around you. Love this beautiful world. Love the fact that you're breathing, that you can move, that you have two legs and two arms. I'm going to invest my love in the moments that happen from minute to minute. The things I see when I'm walking. The textures I touch, the sounds I hear, the foods I taste, and the emotions I feel. And I'm going to love every last minute of every high and low that I'm experiencing because at the very least... I'm alive. I think that's my goal.

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