Saturday, January 12, 2013


I'm obsessed with the people in my Bologna life. 

My housemates. The people in my program. MARIA. The Italians I've met. The Spaniards I've met. My program advisers. And even strangers. 

During the days I've been studying like mad, then I've been occasionally going out dancing with everyone in my program. 

3/4 housemates are back from their vacations, Dani is getting here next week, and Camilla went home for the weekend. 

I was talking with my housemates Stefano and Nathaly last night, and I think we all realized just how much we're going to miss each other. We've all helped each other through some serious milestones. 

My housemates are there when I need to talk about something serious, when I want to be a goober, when I want to go out dancing, when I want to stay inside in my sweats all day, when I want to cook... anything. 

Last night we all went out and this morning we all slowly woke up. I cooked potatoes with rosemary, sea salt, and garlic. And then made everyone scrambled eggs with a huge ball of mozzarella thrown in. Maria joined us because she spent the night, and this is going to be her home beginning February 1st! We all just sat and talked at the table. It's so easy. 

My housemates really are special to me. We've all agreed that there will be many reunions to come in the future! I can't wait. 

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