Friday, August 24, 2012

Wine, great food, and great company

My roommate Nathaly (pronounced like Natalie), has been amazing. She's such a sweet heart, and I feel so comfortable around her, SUCH A RELIEF!

She got here yesterday and immediately was so flexible and down to try anything. We went to the study center and met the rest of our advisors (SO NICE), then went for lunch yesterday, and I showed her around for a bit, we then took naps, and then got ready to have l'aperitivo around 20,00 (8:00). 

L'aperitivo, is the greatest thing known to mankind, why the USA and every other country doesn't adopt this custom is a mystery to me. I would take l'aperitivo over brunch --- well maybe not Theta brunch --- any day. 

Basically, you buy a drink (4-9 euros), and are given access to a buffet of foods. Granted these, aren't the best foods you've ever had, but they're really good dishes/snack like foods that are really good for you. Last night I had quinoa, fresh mozzarella with tomoatoes and green olives, cold pasta, different types of bread, and a bread pastry that had a dark chocolate/orange type dressing on top. All really good. And there you have it: l'aperitivo. (I'll show pictures some time soon).

Nathaly and I ordered pina coladas, and just sipped on them and got to know each other, in awe of the fact that such a great caffe, is literally 3 steps out of our apartment door. (SCORE!).

Today we slept in till 10, had an easy start to our day, did P90x Abs in the morning, browsed around, went grocery shopping, napped, and at 20,00 today we had our first opportunity to meet everyone in the program at an amazing dinner (expenses paid).

We had so much wine and food it was coming out of our ears. An amazing bolognese pasta, vegetable lasanga (best I've ever had), sliced meats, with warm/bread crackers, and fresh strawberry preserves, 3 different aged parmegian cheeses, grilled vegetables, and for dessert an AMAZING chocolate moose, with espresso to finish it off.

The whole meal everyone just spent laughing with each other. Everyone in the program is so nice and so social. I'm really excited to get to know everyone.

Tomorrow (or later this morning for my time), everyone is meeting at the study center, and we'll see what awaits us there.

***Sidenote: the past two days I have definitely been able to use my Italian a lot more: EXCITED.

I have a feeling wine, food, and great company is going to be a big part of this semester.

Expectations met so far? YES. 

1 comment:

  1. Weird that I would be in the midst of a similar experience and yet still jealous of yours! #notevolvedhumanbeing

    Glad your lovin' it, kid.


Salty Projections

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