Monday, August 20, 2012

And so it begins...

Well, I'm alive :)

Getting to Bologna was definitely an interesting process. 4 airports. 3 flights. All of my flights were running a bit late, which meant I was rushing to catch my next flights. Lost my luggage, couldn't contact my family to let them know I was alright, almost all food places were closed (because it was a Sunday), and I had to negotiate things in Italian.

But, like I said, I'm alive, and oh... I'm in Italy. So there's that fun fact.

After getting myself together last night (with a little help from the family) I walked around Bologna at night. SO BEAUTIFUL. All of the pictures are on facebook, but I'll put some in the blog for you to see. Everyone really comes out into the city around 7:30/8pm. There's outdoor bars, where people are sipping on drinks, as the day is cooling and the sunset creates an amazing glow on all of the buildings. The vibe is incredible and everything looks so inviting. 

I finished yesterday feeling highly overwhelmed, but a lot better than when I was flying over here.

Today was much better. A girl who studied abroad here for a year, and used to live in my apartment, has been showing me around and getting me acquainted with the city. Which, makes me feel 10,933,934,838,903x better. She showed me the study center, where I met one of my advisors for the program -- one of the nicest people I've ever met. She helped me take care of my internet, my phone, gave me a tour of the city, and gave me a bunch of tips for great spots to shop, visit, etc.

Now, I just have to wait for my luggage to get here :)

Love you all! Hope all is well :) 

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