Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First day of school, farmers market, and a beautiful run!

Let me give a general update on the happenings lately.

1. School has officially started... well sorta.

Before Bologna classes start I have an intensive language course to train us for the structure of Italian classes. My class is completely in Italian, and focuses on the history of Bologna.

I love the class and I love my teacher. For the course we get to go on a bunch of tours to different museums, and experience the city!

2. On Sunday we went to a brand spanking new museum, that's on the history of Bologna.

This. museum. is. AWESOME!

In the late 80's, a guy purchased the building and completely renovated the inside, so the outside still looks like any building in Bologna, but the inside is super modern. A lot of the rooms are interactive, so if you go into a room about the medeival period, the walk way is stone, the walls have images on them, and the lighting in the room changes from day to night.

Funfacts: Bologna is a circular shape, but during the Roman period, (when the city was called Bononia, which means good things) the city was very rectangular.

3. Yesterday I went to a farmer's market with some friends (I have friends!). And let me just tell you, I've never been in one place where there were so many different foods that smelled SO good. Of course at the farmers market you can purchase your normal groceries, but you can also get delicious food. Buffalo burgers, flatbread sandwiches, birra (beer), cheese for days, and other delicious things. My friend Lilly and I both got huge loaves of bread for only 5 euro. SO GOOD.

To top it all off, the area the famers market is located in the courtyard of the school's theater and music department building. It's so beautiful. I wish I had been there at night, because there are cool light fictures that hang over the market. Such a beautiful and refreshing area. It's very similar to the vibe in North Side (Berkeley).

4. My favorite thing thus far though -- besides the orientation dinner -- has been the run I went on today. (I will have to do this run again to provide some picture).

Today my friends (I KNOW, MORE FRIENDS!?!?!) and I agreed to meet up at 6 to go on a run to this amazing park, that's known as a great running space. I took a nap at 2:40ish thinking I'd wake up in time... not entirely. I woke up about 10 minutes late.

I thought I would try to catch up, but on the way over I ended up not even seeing the park, and instead ran up the hill. And there started the beautiful winding streets with brick walls, that had ivy all over it. In this area there are huge, gorgeous houses that all have an amazing view of the city. While running there were wide sidewalks, with trees lining the streets, and park benches that had great views of the city.

On the way back I finally saw the park, and it's HUGE! Luckily I saw someone running when I was about to pass it, because otherwise I probably wouldn't have known that was the park. While on the run in the hills, I only saw a couple of guys running -- I definitely got the "Oh my gosh, you're a girl... and you're running?" look from a lot of people. But in the park there are tons of girls and guys getting their fitness on.

Going on this run seriously made me feel so much more at home. And it's strangely comforting that Bologna has beautiful streets like this. If anyone knows me, you know I'm a sucker for beautiful winding streets, great views... oh and nature. Running up there with the soft warm breeze, and breathing in the Italian air was a rejuvenating experience.

I now know the city better, and the fact that my bedroom (note that I said MY) feels so cozy and is the place I retreat to when I want to relax, is all I could ever really ask for right now.

I can finally say, I'm happy here. Still scared, but happy. The first day I got here when I was crying and enveloped by fear, I wasn't really sure if I would love it here. Now, my kitchen is full of people listening to music, I'm sipping on sparkling white wine, after a long day (I got up at 6am to apply for my residence permit) and I'm about to stuff my face with pasta, salad, and chicken.

I'm so grateful for everyone who made it possible to get me here. I know I've only been here for a little over a week, but my heart is literally swelling with appreciation for everything my Mom and Dad have done for me (oh and of course siblings, aunts, uncles, and other family and friends of course)!

I love you guys so much, AND ALL OF YOU NEED TO MOVE HERE! 

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy that you have this opportunity! We love you! Mom and Dad


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