Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Last night, while I was falling asleep, I realized I've already gained a great lesson from this experience: the value of trust.

Now, it seems like a given to know how important this is, and I have always known how important it is to the tell the truth, and be honest with other people, but I mean trust in a different sense: trust in others and yourself.

I am usually pretty open with others, and I usually trust myself, but that's when I've already adapted to a certain environment. When a change happens, or I go to a new place, I have expectations for what I -- and other people -- are capable of, but when I actually get into the situation, I usually don't expect much or I panic.

For example, going into my flight over here, I knew I was capable of getting on those flights and handling the situation just fine, but once I hit new territory (i.e. being late for almost all of my flights, not being able to contact my family, and losing my luggage), I started to doubt myself. But, I made it through. I still don't have my luggage, but I felt more comforted when I was able to get a taxi by speaking italian and the man was nice. 

I also gained trust for myself when he dropped me off at my house (I thought: I made it), and trust for others, when the people at Caffe Zamboni let me use their phone to call my lanlord, and then later that day gave me a discount on my food.

I also gained trust when a complete stranger was able to show me around the city and help me get completely acclamated to everything here -- saving me a little bit of fear that I had with figuring out my internet and phone plan in Italian the first day I arrived.

The fact that I'm here and I'm not melting down anymore, like I was on the first day, is a big comfort. I'm okay, and I'm doing well. I'm in once piece, and even though I don't have 95% of my possessions, I'm doing just fine.

So far, this process has been a reminder of what I actually can do, even though I still may feel otherwise and a bit scared. To me, that's pretty special that I started to feel that in my first days of being here.

Thanks everyone for your support, and just being there to listen to me and talk to me about everything and nothing all at once. It means more than you will ever know. 

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