Saturday, August 25, 2012

Some time

I saw this quote today and literally thought: that's it.

This past year definitely has been an amazing one, full of valuable experiences, closer friendships, and unforgettable memories. But it's also been a year full of drastic changes -- some good, some bad.

Starting my senior year has put me into a bit of a panic... I just started college didn't I?

Like I said in my first posts, I'm trying to be open minded about this experience, but  what I'm really hoping for is a chance to get my shit together and have a better sense of direction, because it's kind of my senior year.... whoops.

So far I have 2 out of 3 things in this quote: time... check, and a beautiful place.... double, triple, quadruple check. As for the whole head clearing thing... well, to be honest, my head has never felt fuzzier.

This experience feels extremely surreal, so hopefully some reality kicks in and this starts to feel like it's actually happening.

So basically, I'm keeping my fingers super-crossed, in hopes of some earth shattering epiphanies.

Wish me luck.

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