Friday, August 31, 2012

First week of school in Italy: CONQUERED.

Soooo... I just finished my first week of school, and I kind of feel like a badass -- granted I am only taking one class. (Hey, this is a rare thing, so I'm savoring it). 

This week was great. It's nice to finally feel busy again, even if it means I don't get much sleep because I'm up studying Thursday night for our weekly Friday quizzes.... and okayyy doing other things as well during the week. 

On Wednesday we went to ANOTHER museum, that had Etruscan and Romanian artifacts from back in the day (from Bologna of course). It was pretty neat to see different ways people were burried, what their graves looked like, etc. 

Funfact: Etruscans used to be cremated and put in a vase either above or below ground. 50 years later, they started to have possessions burried with them.

That same day I got to go into the church San Petronio. The church was actually supposed to be larger than the Vatican (when it was being constructed in the Middle Ages), but the pope got all feisty about there being a church larger than the Vatican, and made them literally stop construction. So there are some parts of the church (on the side) that look like an arch was completely cut in half... well, that's because they never got to finish constructing it. 

It's pretty simple inside though, with different paintings on the walls. There's a sundial in the church, which is awesome. If you look at the picture of the ceiling you can see a star with a hole in the middle. The sun comes through there every day at noon. I think it tells the month and time? 

After checking out the church (not everyone went inside, some people started their break early), some of us went to a caffe that our teacher said had the best espressos. She said we would probably be about 10 minutes late to class, but not to worry and to take our time... Dude, they take their coffee seriously. This was honestly the best cappuccino I've ever had. SO GOOD. And they have amazing cakes/pastries that I wish I could eat for the rest of my life and suffer no consequences. 

Later that night we went to celebrate a friends bday. We spent some time in an Irish Pub -- it was happy hour, and then later headed to the park (that I go running in) where there is a cool semi-indoor/outdoor club. 

It was a fun night. I felt like I was in junior high school again because they were playing all the alternative rock songs from "back in the day" (I say that like I'm ancient). So we all had fun chatting and reminiscing til the wee hours of the morning.

Yesterday I was finally able to meet up with Jessica and we went for a run/work out in the park. We ran a lap in the park, which is a little over a mile, did some abs, ran another lap, came back did more abs, an insane amount of lunges and jumping squats, stretched, and then walked home.

Last night, once again consisted of great food, company, and ohhh... studying. My friend Lara (who is actually a Theta at UCSB!) figured out how to use our espresso maker that was here. So all day yesterday she made us espresso, so delicious. This morning we had a quiz, but I feel like I did well. I so far know I at least got the 20 T/F questions right :) Sooo yay! 

MARISA AND BENNETT cooking up a storm! 

But that's basically my life right now. It's raining off and on here, but it's extremely humid. Later today I'm going on another run with my friend Jessica (I'm taking her into the hills.... maybe I'll take my camera today?), and then her, Chloe (another student from UC BERKELEY!), and I are going to make dinner :)

Life is pretty simple and sweet right now. I could get used to this. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Packages and Mail

So here is the scoop from the student center on what to do about packages. You can technically send mail to my house, but usually this is safer. Let me know if you guys have any questions! Packages sent from abroad

If you are having packages sent from the US, please make sure to have the sender follow these guidelines:

  • DO NOT DECLARE/INSURE a high value on the package (keep it under $20.00)
  • Write “Used items for Personal Use Only” and “NOT for RESALE” in the space that asks for a description of the contents
  • Do not declare medicine, cosmetics or food items as such (put them in a package with other items that you CAN declare)

If the sender does not follow these guidelines, you risk paying high customs fees (as new items can fall into the category of resale). These fees are sometimes higher than the value of the package contents. If you refuse to pay the fees, the package is returned to the sender but the sender must pay the return postage fees!

We are happy to accept packages at the Study Center and should there be a small fee to pay we can pay it for you if you are not here and ask you to reimburse us. Generally if it is over 20 € we need to contact you before accepting the package to get your approval to pay the fee.

Study Center address for packages:

Student Name C/0
Via Grimaldi, 3
40122 Bologna

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First day of school, farmers market, and a beautiful run!

Let me give a general update on the happenings lately.

1. School has officially started... well sorta.

Before Bologna classes start I have an intensive language course to train us for the structure of Italian classes. My class is completely in Italian, and focuses on the history of Bologna.

I love the class and I love my teacher. For the course we get to go on a bunch of tours to different museums, and experience the city!

2. On Sunday we went to a brand spanking new museum, that's on the history of Bologna.

This. museum. is. AWESOME!

In the late 80's, a guy purchased the building and completely renovated the inside, so the outside still looks like any building in Bologna, but the inside is super modern. A lot of the rooms are interactive, so if you go into a room about the medeival period, the walk way is stone, the walls have images on them, and the lighting in the room changes from day to night.

Funfacts: Bologna is a circular shape, but during the Roman period, (when the city was called Bononia, which means good things) the city was very rectangular.

3. Yesterday I went to a farmer's market with some friends (I have friends!). And let me just tell you, I've never been in one place where there were so many different foods that smelled SO good. Of course at the farmers market you can purchase your normal groceries, but you can also get delicious food. Buffalo burgers, flatbread sandwiches, birra (beer), cheese for days, and other delicious things. My friend Lilly and I both got huge loaves of bread for only 5 euro. SO GOOD.

To top it all off, the area the famers market is located in the courtyard of the school's theater and music department building. It's so beautiful. I wish I had been there at night, because there are cool light fictures that hang over the market. Such a beautiful and refreshing area. It's very similar to the vibe in North Side (Berkeley).

4. My favorite thing thus far though -- besides the orientation dinner -- has been the run I went on today. (I will have to do this run again to provide some picture).

Today my friends (I KNOW, MORE FRIENDS!?!?!) and I agreed to meet up at 6 to go on a run to this amazing park, that's known as a great running space. I took a nap at 2:40ish thinking I'd wake up in time... not entirely. I woke up about 10 minutes late.

I thought I would try to catch up, but on the way over I ended up not even seeing the park, and instead ran up the hill. And there started the beautiful winding streets with brick walls, that had ivy all over it. In this area there are huge, gorgeous houses that all have an amazing view of the city. While running there were wide sidewalks, with trees lining the streets, and park benches that had great views of the city.

On the way back I finally saw the park, and it's HUGE! Luckily I saw someone running when I was about to pass it, because otherwise I probably wouldn't have known that was the park. While on the run in the hills, I only saw a couple of guys running -- I definitely got the "Oh my gosh, you're a girl... and you're running?" look from a lot of people. But in the park there are tons of girls and guys getting their fitness on.

Going on this run seriously made me feel so much more at home. And it's strangely comforting that Bologna has beautiful streets like this. If anyone knows me, you know I'm a sucker for beautiful winding streets, great views... oh and nature. Running up there with the soft warm breeze, and breathing in the Italian air was a rejuvenating experience.

I now know the city better, and the fact that my bedroom (note that I said MY) feels so cozy and is the place I retreat to when I want to relax, is all I could ever really ask for right now.

I can finally say, I'm happy here. Still scared, but happy. The first day I got here when I was crying and enveloped by fear, I wasn't really sure if I would love it here. Now, my kitchen is full of people listening to music, I'm sipping on sparkling white wine, after a long day (I got up at 6am to apply for my residence permit) and I'm about to stuff my face with pasta, salad, and chicken.

I'm so grateful for everyone who made it possible to get me here. I know I've only been here for a little over a week, but my heart is literally swelling with appreciation for everything my Mom and Dad have done for me (oh and of course siblings, aunts, uncles, and other family and friends of course)!

I love you guys so much, AND ALL OF YOU NEED TO MOVE HERE! 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Some time

I saw this quote today and literally thought: that's it.

This past year definitely has been an amazing one, full of valuable experiences, closer friendships, and unforgettable memories. But it's also been a year full of drastic changes -- some good, some bad.

Starting my senior year has put me into a bit of a panic... I just started college didn't I?

Like I said in my first posts, I'm trying to be open minded about this experience, but  what I'm really hoping for is a chance to get my shit together and have a better sense of direction, because it's kind of my senior year.... whoops.

So far I have 2 out of 3 things in this quote: time... check, and a beautiful place.... double, triple, quadruple check. As for the whole head clearing thing... well, to be honest, my head has never felt fuzzier.

This experience feels extremely surreal, so hopefully some reality kicks in and this starts to feel like it's actually happening.

So basically, I'm keeping my fingers super-crossed, in hopes of some earth shattering epiphanies.

Wish me luck.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Wine, great food, and great company

My roommate Nathaly (pronounced like Natalie), has been amazing. She's such a sweet heart, and I feel so comfortable around her, SUCH A RELIEF!

She got here yesterday and immediately was so flexible and down to try anything. We went to the study center and met the rest of our advisors (SO NICE), then went for lunch yesterday, and I showed her around for a bit, we then took naps, and then got ready to have l'aperitivo around 20,00 (8:00). 

L'aperitivo, is the greatest thing known to mankind, why the USA and every other country doesn't adopt this custom is a mystery to me. I would take l'aperitivo over brunch --- well maybe not Theta brunch --- any day. 

Basically, you buy a drink (4-9 euros), and are given access to a buffet of foods. Granted these, aren't the best foods you've ever had, but they're really good dishes/snack like foods that are really good for you. Last night I had quinoa, fresh mozzarella with tomoatoes and green olives, cold pasta, different types of bread, and a bread pastry that had a dark chocolate/orange type dressing on top. All really good. And there you have it: l'aperitivo. (I'll show pictures some time soon).

Nathaly and I ordered pina coladas, and just sipped on them and got to know each other, in awe of the fact that such a great caffe, is literally 3 steps out of our apartment door. (SCORE!).

Today we slept in till 10, had an easy start to our day, did P90x Abs in the morning, browsed around, went grocery shopping, napped, and at 20,00 today we had our first opportunity to meet everyone in the program at an amazing dinner (expenses paid).

We had so much wine and food it was coming out of our ears. An amazing bolognese pasta, vegetable lasanga (best I've ever had), sliced meats, with warm/bread crackers, and fresh strawberry preserves, 3 different aged parmegian cheeses, grilled vegetables, and for dessert an AMAZING chocolate moose, with espresso to finish it off.

The whole meal everyone just spent laughing with each other. Everyone in the program is so nice and so social. I'm really excited to get to know everyone.

Tomorrow (or later this morning for my time), everyone is meeting at the study center, and we'll see what awaits us there.

***Sidenote: the past two days I have definitely been able to use my Italian a lot more: EXCITED.

I have a feeling wine, food, and great company is going to be a big part of this semester.

Expectations met so far? YES. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012




I have the best landlord ever! She knew the number for the delivery company and told them to bring it :)

HAPPY DAY! And now everything is organized in my room.



Last night, while I was falling asleep, I realized I've already gained a great lesson from this experience: the value of trust.

Now, it seems like a given to know how important this is, and I have always known how important it is to the tell the truth, and be honest with other people, but I mean trust in a different sense: trust in others and yourself.

I am usually pretty open with others, and I usually trust myself, but that's when I've already adapted to a certain environment. When a change happens, or I go to a new place, I have expectations for what I -- and other people -- are capable of, but when I actually get into the situation, I usually don't expect much or I panic.

For example, going into my flight over here, I knew I was capable of getting on those flights and handling the situation just fine, but once I hit new territory (i.e. being late for almost all of my flights, not being able to contact my family, and losing my luggage), I started to doubt myself. But, I made it through. I still don't have my luggage, but I felt more comforted when I was able to get a taxi by speaking italian and the man was nice. 

I also gained trust for myself when he dropped me off at my house (I thought: I made it), and trust for others, when the people at Caffe Zamboni let me use their phone to call my lanlord, and then later that day gave me a discount on my food.

I also gained trust when a complete stranger was able to show me around the city and help me get completely acclamated to everything here -- saving me a little bit of fear that I had with figuring out my internet and phone plan in Italian the first day I arrived.

The fact that I'm here and I'm not melting down anymore, like I was on the first day, is a big comfort. I'm okay, and I'm doing well. I'm in once piece, and even though I don't have 95% of my possessions, I'm doing just fine.

So far, this process has been a reminder of what I actually can do, even though I still may feel otherwise and a bit scared. To me, that's pretty special that I started to feel that in my first days of being here.

Thanks everyone for your support, and just being there to listen to me and talk to me about everything and nothing all at once. It means more than you will ever know. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My New Home

Since my luggage still hasn't arrived, I've been stuck at the apartment, waiting for when the delivery truck gets here. They send you a text, and you have a very short window of time to go downstairs and grab your luggage when they get here. 

So today, I'm waiting at the apartment, hoping my things will arrive. 

While I'm waiting, I figured I would give you guys a tour of the apartment! 

So here is the entry way when you walk in the door. To the left is the kitchen. Straight and to the left is the other double, and straight and to the right is the single. On the right hand side is the other bathroom. 


Next, I'll show you what the other rooms actually look like. The picture on the left is the double. The middle picture is the entry way to the single, and the last picture is the single. 


And next folks, we have the kitchen. When you walk in the door and look to your right there is the table to sit and eat at, it has 4 stools. To the right of the table is the frige. Straight ahead (picture 4) is the sink, washing machine (yes, that's how they do it in Italy), and oven/stove. To the immediate right you see cabinets (see picture number 3). To the right of those cabinets is my small balcony, and the view of it can be seen in picture number 2.

It's actually a really roomy kitchen, especially for Europe. 

ANDDDD... if you were to take a right (after walking straight toward the oven/sink area), you would have.... my room :) 

To your immediate right when you walk in, is this vanity, and to the left there is a desk against the wall, (to the left of the bathroom door) that looks just like the one right next to my bed. 

Next to the vanity is the huge closet with full length mirrors, that window over looks a super busy street that leads to Piazza Maggiore, with the two towers. And that's my bed in front of the window.

My desk is the one to the left of my bed, the yellow bed will be my future roommates new bed, who will arrive here on Thursday.

And when looking at my bed from the view (as seen in picture 3), if you were to turn to your left there would be a door on the wall behind me that leads to my room's own bathroom :)

And yes, the bathrooms have bidets, have I used them for the original purposes? No. Will I try it? Perhaps. I have used them to wash my feet though (Thanks for the tip sister), my feet tend to get a bit dirty from walking around.

And last, but not least, here is the beautiful view from my bedroom!!!! :)

If you look straight ahead there is a yellow building, which has the beautiful wooden doors, to the right of those wooden doors is Caffe Zamboni (the name of my street). The people there are so nice and the cafe is always open when I wake up and when I go to bed. They let me use their telephone to call my landlord the first day I arrived to Bologna. 


This is the view to the left, and then to the right, from my window.

To the left you can see into Piazza Maggiore, and on the right you can see all of the tables that are always filled by customers from Caffe Zamboni.

So there you have it! My apartment. I finally organized everything (that was in my carry on, so not much really), so I'm starting to feel a little more at home :) 

Salty Projections

The moment the salty distaste of another fills your mouth with indigestible words is the moment self-loathing within becomes projected upon...