Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I'm reading an incredible book right now. It has to do with spirituality, being at peace with yourself, and taking care of the Earth. 

I came a across a quote today that resonated with me so incredibly much. It was under the section "The Foundation of Happiness:" 

"Mindfulness is a nonjudgmental awareness of all that is happening inside and around us. It takes us back to the foundation of happiness, which is being present in the here and now... We can be mindful of our breath, our footsteps, our thoughts, and our actions. Mindfulness requires that we bring all our attention to whatever we're doing, whether walking or breathing, brushing our teeth, or eating a snack." 

I've let myself get caught up in stress. I'm dwelling on the past, and so anxious about the future. I keep trying to rush through the present because there's so many things I don't want to confront, or too many things I am trying to confront at once. But not being mindful is detrimental. 

I need to be more mindful. It can be frustrating when in certain settings, or in the past, it seemed so effortless -- to be mindful. And that mindfulness fluidly and graciously opened me up to the feeling of happiness and gratitude. But I need to reengage with mindfulness to remind myself of what I already have, who I am, and how much I have to be grateful for. 

I will find balance between operating in a high-paced society, and being someone who likes to savor, slow down, and enjoy the beautiful things that so many people are unfortunately blind to. 

Just because others are blind, doesn't mean I need to be blind. And if I make myself be more open, mindful, and aware -- I can indirectly encourage others to do so by leading by example. 

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