Thursday, January 16, 2014


Listening to Coldplay, and realizing how much I miss you. 

Before I left Italy, we talked about what it's like to immerse yourself back into your original culture; how long it takes to "feel back to normal," how other people act toward you (near and far), and what the plane ride was like for you and what it would be like for me on the way home.

We started this conversation because I was listening to Clocks in my room. You heard it, and shouted "Bella questa canzone!" 

We both walked into the kitchen. You told me you listened to Coldplay the whole way home, and that you'd give me every single Coldplay song so I could listen to it on the way home. 

When I got on the plane, this was the first song I played. I cried so hard. It was also the last song I listened to while landing in SF.

Words can't describe how much I miss you. 
The fact we met -- what were the odds? 
What were the odds that you'd have such an incredible affect on my life? 

Slim to none of course... but I'm so glad we met. I'm so glad that, even though we're separated by the entire United States and the Atlantic, we keep in touch. 

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