Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Manifesto

This is my Manifesto. I wrote this on March 10th in a book my mom got me on a weekend getaway to wine country. It's called What's on your top 10 list? It's been a rough week and semester and it was time for me to remember the passion I had right when I got back from Bologna. Tonight was so great though. wandered through campus with Annie, Mar, Judi, and Lauren. We ran through   sprinklers, climbed on buildings, laid in the grass, and laughed so hard we almost cried. But on that note,  here it goes, my Manifesto:

TRAVEL. Savor each and every person, thing, experience, and interaction that comes your way because you are not all-knowing, but you can still ingest the knowledge of different sectors of the world that you've been lucky enough to encounter. Be at peace. Be passionate and -- with love -- pursue the things that burn and fuel the fire inside your soul. Breathe easy, tread light, and strive willingly. Do not let the negatives define you. Appreciate yourself and how much good you have in your life. Do not settle -- your life is brilliant and precious, and with exquisite courage -- you can truly do anything you desire. Be good. Do good. Continuously ask yourself -- Am I happy, do I feel challenged -- if you're not. Then change it.

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