Monday, May 13, 2013


Most of the time, I am a strong advocate of being an independent woman. 

Who says you need a partner to be happy, an "other" to define you, and make you feel whole. I strongly believe every person should feel whole without a partner in their life. 

However, there are those moments, where I just yearn for love. Yearn for moments with someone who makes you feel so comfortable, and gives you flutters. I've become more realistic as I've aged, but at the same time, I am the definition of a hopeless romantic. 

I dream of the ever-so-talked-about-girl-meets-boy-in-cafe scenario. 
The "finding your love in college" encounter. 
The walks, the fights, the dreams, the bucket-lists. 
The friendship that turns into something greater -- what you've always wanted. 
The traveling. The late night talks. 
The sparkle in each other's eyes, the one that never fades. 

I dream. I let my mind wander. I imagine. 

I then take a deep breath, and go back to focusing on me. 

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