Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Weeks before I left for Italy, I read a book called Wild. 

It's a true story about a girl, or I should say woman, who is fed up with her life, and decides to hike the PCT (pacific crest trail), even though she's never been backpacking. 

I've always dreamed of hiking the PCT, so I thought I should read the book. 

I cried so hard when I read that book. Her ability to leave it all, and do what she wanted, was so admirable. 

I didn't understand why I was crying at the time, or didn't really want to admit it. But one of the biggest lessons I've learned is that your family can give you incredible roots, but unfortunately peers can make you deviate from what your family taught you, or from what close friends taught you. 

Never stop surrounding yourself with people who make you want to be a better person. It can kill you. I know that sounds like an over exaggeration, but it can literally kill your spirit. 

I read that book, and 2 years before I read that book I think I would have told myself I am going to hike the PCT one day. But when I finished reading that book just a few months ago, I was kind of disconnected from that go-getter I used to be. And instead I thought... what a nice idea that would be.

I then kind of shook some sense into myself, and not only realized that one day I definitely need to, and WILL, get my booty on the PCT, but that also, Italy would be a similar experience. I'd be doing my own thing, and taking my own metaphorical path to figure myself out.

Now that I took that path, now that I have the tools to put myself out there, and now that I'm back, it's time for me to find another path to learn even more about myself.

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