Sunday, September 14, 2014

Let Go

Let go. 

Let go of every form of tension in your body. 

Every insecurity
Every let down. 
Every worry
Every preconceived idea of who you should be. 
Every expectation projected upon you. 
Every self-imposed expectation. 
Every idea of what your identity should be

Let go of stiff body language, lack of eye contact, lack of love, and lack of compassion. 

Just let. it. all. GO. 

It can take time, it can take practice to let things go. But at some point, you just have to make the leap, and let all of that GO. 

I went dancing with some friends Friday night and noticed I was feeling tense. I was over-thinking things, wondering, 

        How do I look? 
        How should I be dancing? 
        Is there somewhere I can put my bag, this feels so uncomfortable to dance         with?
        Is it going to be easy to keep the group together? 

SO MANY THINGS were running through my head as the opener played. And then the artist we were there to see came on stage, and I slowly just started dancing more and more and started feeling more comfortable. And finally, I just threw my hands up in the air and danced however I wanted. 

I wasn't looking at anyone else, wasn't dancing for anyone else, or wondering what people thought of me. 

I just did what felt right for me. 

Dancing has never been so amazing. I haven't felt that good in so long. 

I let it all go. 

This is how I want to live. walk. breathe. interact. love. 

This is how I will carry myself. 

open, and 
okay with who I am. 

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