Sunday, October 5, 2014


This weekend I saw the most beautiful quote while browsing through stores with a friend: 

Limbs are cherished because they are parts of the body:
why then are other people not cherished because they are parts of humanity? 

We both paused -- we were truly overcome by the power of these words -- and read the quote again. We let the words sink, simmer, and bloom. A new wave of perspectives poured over me. Epiphanies were solidified. It was subtle, but present and etched into me. 

Throughout the day I kept thinking, reflecting, and beaming over the sheer fact that: 

There is goodness in this world. 
In this life. 
In others, and in you. 
There is goodness in our bodies. 
In your body. 

Everyone. Cherish your body and what it does for you. Appreciate how your lungs, your heart, your liver, your organs -- get you through the day. They support you. They care for you. Your legs and your feet carry you. Your arms and hands help you grab things, touch people, hug people, love people
Your body helps you 
groove, and 

Do not let yourself become detached or separated from how special your body is. The process of evolution that caused it to form. The way that the substances that makes up your features, skin, color, curves, and muscles have evolved over so many years to exist in this point in time

Our bodies - our matter - is the result of love, of human interaction, of orchestrated chances, and connections. Our bodies are history. Our bodies are the future - as it constantly changes and interacts with new places, new things, and new people. 

Let those statements settle. Let them develop into a deep and intense love for yourself and your body. Let yourself realize how wonderful it is that:

You are here. 
On this planet. 
With this body. 
Right now. 

That is exquisite.

Accepting and appreciating your body can be such a liberating feeling. It literally changes how you see life, how you feel, and how you interact with others
It feels so. damn. good. 

But what feels even better -- once you've gained an intense appreciation for your own body and life -- is knowing that you are surrounded by billions of people who have ALSO had years and years and years of commingling interactions and situations that have lead to them being: 

On this plant. 
With their body. 
Right now. 

And all of those interactions, features, bodies, personalities, and ways of loving are all unique and have been crafted in their own distinct ways. 

This perspective -- coupled with the sheer fact that OUR CHANCES of being born in this particular time, place, and circumstances are 1 in 400,000,000,000* -- is astounding. humbling. powerful. enlightening. 
It inspires me to cherish myself, and cherish everyone around me, 
for we are all so fortunate to even be here. 
To be breathing, living, and sharing moments together. 

(*That is considering all natural disasters, the chances of your ancestors meeting and mating, specific egg and sperm combinations, and so much more). 

If we have never been amazed by the very fact that we exist, we are squandering the greatest fact of all. -- Will Durant. 

So please, be kind to yourself and be kind to one another. Because with all of this considered, our bodies and our lives are all undoubtedly worthy of being cherished and appreciated. 

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