Monday, September 8, 2014


There's a comfort for me that lies within the undefined, 
        the unfoldingthe abrupt. 

I find sanctuary in the unknown, 
        the risky, 
          the bold, 
             the terrifying, 
                the passion. 

I love the thrill of stepping into territories that make my heart feel, open, and rage. 

These spaces help me grow, let me live, and let me radiate. But they are vulnerable. 
Extremely vulnerable. And sometimes isolating and lonely. These situations unveil my heart, my soul, my fears, my strengths, my insecurities, my love -- whether I'm ready for it or not. Everything is out there and on the table. 

However, every time I step into these realms, I am first broken down and then... I leave more confident, more open, more secure with uncertainty, more comfortable, and more keen on finding new uncharted spaces, places, people, and ideas. 
It's so raw, and it's so real, but it makes me feel more alive than ever.

My life occurs in these intense cycles. Each one beginning with a huge shift; a new place, a new lifestyle, and a new set of faces. 

At first it felt jarring. It would shock my system. Make me numb. 

But now it's something I look forward to, and no longer fear. 
I crave this process, 
this way of being. 

This way of continually opening my heart with the world. 

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