Monday, October 14, 2013


My body is not perfect or imperfect. It simply is. Just as you are, and I am. 
It carries my thoughts, my blood, my wishes, and my history. 
In a society packed with critiques, images, and skewed ideas of standard body proportions -- it is often proven to be a treacherous road to acceptance. 
Media has taught me to loathe my bone structure. My strength. My muscles. My height. My skin. 
I have been trained to be continuously unsatisfied with the state of my body. I have never been shown by mainstream what it actually means to distinguish healthy from deprivation, strength from starvation. 
The majority does not teach us the path to self-acceptance. We instead must find quiet institutions, that are unknown and/or unsupported by society, to discover what it means to be a person, with your own undefinable and unique proportions. 
We are not taught by society to put good food into our bodies. We are told to deprive, IN ADDITION to ignoring the ethical, biological, and economical logistics of the food that advertising and corporations encourage us to eat. 
We are not taught to put love into the earth that has provided the resources that made AND maintain this body that we have, that I have, that you have. We are not taught to make those resources whole, genuine, and nutritious. We are not taught that our body, our food, and our earth deserves to be: 
cared for
We pick. We count. We dread. We feel guilt. We reject what makes us people, women, beings, human. 
And yet, we are judged from deviating from that framework. JUDGED for acceptance, love, and happiness... the very things people in this country claim to be exhaustively and blindly in PURSUIT of. 
It's time for some restructuring in this country. It is time to restructure our minds and stop trying to restructure our bodies. Because to be in a place where you are looked down upon for loving who you are, in body, mind, and spirit -- and for caring for your body and what you put into it -- is insanity. 
This is my body: 
It does not need your approval, your opinion, or your critiques. Because it just is. And it always will simply just be, for the rest of the time that I proceed to exist on this planet that has made me. This planet that has made us. And sustains us
I hope you have the courage to realize it. live it. breathe it. radiate it

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