Tuesday, July 2, 2013


A year ago you were all strangers to me. 

I had no idea who you were, where you were from, or that you even existed. There was no inclination or hinting that you would be coming into my life... you all just arrived. And everything fell into place. 

Sure there were disagreements, awkward moments, times where I didn't know if it was possible for us to get along, but in the end, we all ended up so close. 

I've been in the states for 6 months. I haven't seen you all for 6 months. And I miss you all so much. 

You all saw me transform into the person I've always wanted to be. You accepted me through my highs and lows. You laughed with me. You cried with me. Late night movies. Late night walks. Late nights out. Late night cooking. Late night talks around our old kitchen table. 

I miss stumbling into the kitchen half asleep to find one of you cooking with a big smiling face, or just as tired or hungover as I was. 

Each one of you taught me so much and brought even more people and experiences into my life. 

What I would give to live with you all again. To see you right now. I think about you all every. single. day. and you have impacted my life more than people I've known for years. 

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