Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I'm trying to live this way

I want to spin in circles til I can't see straight anymore, and then just fall back into a field of grass, laughing. 

I want to fall in love with my best friend. 

I want to go on walks. Night walks through campus. 

Late nights with milkshakes and french fries. 

Spending Friday nights just cooking in good company. 

Backpacking. Seeing the world. 

I want to effortlessly express how I feel, without reservations.  

Feel needed. Feel happy. 

I want to scrape the sky and tackle my dreams. 

I want curiosity. Endless, endearing, passionate curiosity. 

I don't want to be narrow-minded. 

I want to embrace my femininity without having to be a fragile, blind, quiet, and not opinionated. 

I want to fully get back that care-free essence I had in Italy -- where I constantly remembered it's all not that serious. 

I want to savor moments; interactions, people, experiences, sights, taste, sounds, feelings. 

I want to be good. To others and myself. 

Laughter. Smiles. Music. Grace. Empathy. 

I want to surround myself with people who are more concerned with making this world better, than spending hours in a bathroom on their image. 

I want to seize life by the horns and not let go, even when I think I need a breather. Because even the lowest lows are filled with more life than those who go through it senselessly. 

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