Thursday, April 18, 2013


I think Italy taught me how to handle situations with grace. I still crack every now and then, but I feel like I'm able to catch myself more, or if I do crack, it's more legitimate. 

I think there's a difference between letting yourself FEEL when you're sad, and having a pity party. A difference between being strong to grow and better yourself, and just covering it all up. There's this intricate balance with confronting what's going on, but not necessarily wearing your emotions on your sleeve. I'm getting better at that... with just, being at peace and all. 

Letting yourself feel, but appreciating the fact that you can feel, and that things aren't as bad as they really can be. If you're physically hurt, appreciate the fact that it can be a lot worse, and that, GUESS WHAT, you're alive and still have the ability to actually feel. I think we get so caught up in our limitations, that we forget how lucky we are. 

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