Wednesday, June 18, 2014


We live in a nation fearful of profession
     Of raw-biting emotion.
     Of vulnerable interactions. 
     Of feeling extreme highs and intense lows. 
     Of embarrasing truths. 
     Of identity. 
     Of tenderness. 
     Of openness. 
     Of acceptance. 

Our nation is so fearful of the act of professing our innermost feelings that if someone does it -- people either feel the need to guard themselves, or feel incredibly refreshed that someone actually didn't feel weird saying how they actually FEEL. 

Now those are two bittersweet and contrasting reactions, however they both indicate that profession is not threaded into the bones of our societal norms; both reactions are a response to foreignness, to something "other." 

I find it so interesting that our society is so detached from our own personal emotions that whenever someone begins to express themselves, people begin to feel awkward. We don't know how to profess, to express, to listen, or empathize. Words are such a powerfully underrated thing, and there is nothing more beautiful and appealing than someone who knows how to use their language craftily and deeply. 

Every personal statement I share comes from a tender place. I have composed my thoughts, and taken the time to tell someone what is on my mind -- this isn't always easy, but I do it because I love the feeling of destroying barriers and increasing flow and openness within my interactions. I've heard so many stories of people who spent their life wishing they had said a particular statement to someone, told someone how much they loved them, reconnected with a person, or told the world what was really on their mind.

When people tell these stories to me, I can see the regret and longing in their eyes. Some people obviously reach contentment, forgiveness, or acceptance with the fact that they never said anything, but still -- they know, and I know, that their lives would have been much different if they had something, anything. Even if you're tongue-tied, shaking, nervous, and don't even know where to begin... a single world can still begin a cascade of phrases, thoughts, and desires.

In the present moment, interactions may seem small and insignificant -- like how could a phrase have so much power and influence over the direction and course of my life!? But profession can truly change things. I know for me, it most certainly has.

It can enhance a connection with someone.
It can mean the difference between having a networking connection or not.
It can change the way you personally feel and value yourself.
It can inspire others to be more open.
It can allow you to explore your wildest of ideas and goals.
It can be the difference between getting through something alone or with support.
It can do so many things, if you just gather up a few seconds of  courage to bash down societal norms and just say whatever is on your mind. 

In the moment you may feel like a fool for making yourself so vulnerable and honest with someone, but being exposed and real is such a more fulfilling way to live than being closed off; it is so much better than being the ultimate guard of your own emotions and being the wall that encloses your own greatest potential. 

Don't hold back. Don't hesitate. Don't overthink 
Just profess 
     and let it flow.

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