Sunday, June 1, 2014


There is a precious power that lies in human connection; close connections. 

It's so captivating how someone can pull thoughts, epiphanies, and courage from the most hidden depths of your mind and soul. It paralyzes me with tranquility and bliss when someone is able to unleash my fullest potential and my innermost desires, dreams, and concerns. 

Strangers can do this. Family, friends, professors, nature, and even cities can do this... bring out the tangible, exquisite you. 

I consistently try to surround myself with people and environments where this happens. When it does happen -- it feels unstoppable. 

That powerful form of intimate soul-opening expression, living, and feeling is necessary for my existence, for my rejuvenation, and for my happiness. 

Whenever I become reacquainted with people, places, and experiences -- that foster this sense of being -- I realize first and foremost: 

I need to prioritize managing my mental ecosystem.
People need to prioritize managing their mental ecosystems. 

It is OKAY to be "selfish" and take care of yourself. 
It is OKAY to break societal norms. 
It is OKAY to move on from a situation without an apology or closure.
It is OKAY to actively exercise compassion to people.
It is OKAY to ask for help. 

It is OKAY to not have other's approval. 

It is OKAY to do things that YOU WANT to do, for the very sake of it taking care of YOUR SOUL and making YOU infinitely happier. And sometimes, we all need help in doing these things... in remembering that we can do these things: be "selfish," be "different," be "perfectly imperfect." And that's why, it is so important to surround yourself with people who can bring your potential and light out of you,  especially when you're finding it so incredibly to difficult to see and feel certain qualities within yourself.

Sometimes, we all need care and connection from others to help us manage our mental ecosystems, and thus restore our foundations, our levels of happiness, and our openness to the world. 

And that is not only perfectly okay, but it is often necessary. Never forget that value of that power.

So in the mean time... set up your support systems and put yourself in spaces and places where those around you can encourage you, love you, and inspire you when things get hazy. 

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