Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall is here.

Fall has erupted. 
The last day of summer was the first rain of the season. 
Friday the 20th was a peculiar day. 
Arrived to the place where we would hike out (about a mile) to go do stream work. 
We opened our car doors, greeted by the warm, yet frigid air, to hear a hissing noise. 
Flat tire. 
We change the tire. Start work late. 
Leave work an hour early. 
Take off gear, start to get into the car, and a 30% chance of rain becomes reality. 
The sky becomes sharper, the trees greener, and the dust settles. 
An hour later we arrive to the top of the mountain, and to the gate where my car is parked, and I take off for San Francisco. 
It was time to see my incredible friend Rachel, and see Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic with her and her friend Dacia. 
The drive passed by quickly until Sausalito and the bridge. 19th was backed up. But it was okay -- being in this city is home. Having the extra time in traffic to gaze and people watch was much appreciated. 
Arrived at Rachel's home in Daly City. Awesome neighborhood. Awesome house. Have food, have wine. Meet Dacia, and instantly become best friends -- upon her (mutually approved of) request. Shower like a mad woman. And head for the concert. 
Get on Muni. Find a bible written in Spanish. 
Concert was on Pier 23 under the moonlight. It wasn't raining. I was wearing only a tank top and jeans, in San Francisco, and I was comfortable. 
Edward Sharpe had just finished the first song. We show our tickets, run to the stage, and are nearly front row (standing), but off to the left (facing the stage). 
I smiled, so much as we ran to the stage and began dancing. 
Several moments I had to pinch myself. 
I was dancing. Dancing so much. There was a slight, so very slight breeze parading through my hair. Outside. On the Pier. With the moon. In SF. The last summer night. Edward Sharpe. Great friends. Hand holding. Screaming. 
Concert finishes, and gets cut off. But it's alright. 
Back on Muni -- to Mel's diner. Vanilla shakes, cheese fries, late night conversations with the waiter. 
Back to home, drop off Dacia. 
Late night chats. 
Fall asleep to Christmas Lights making the room softer, and awaken to a day of rain on the first day of Autumn. Perfection. 
Rachel and I had coffee, lots of fruit with oatmeal, and some cookie butter, and then I fled to Sausalito, in pouring skies and water filled roads, to go see houseboats with my family. 
Go back to Rachel's, 
and now I'm here. Drinking tea, and talking with her. 
It's Dani's (my Spanish housemate from Italy) birthday. I celebrated it with him last year. Last year. 
Life is so conventionally and unconventionally odd and beautiful. 

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