Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1 year

A year has gone by since I left for Italy. August 19, 2012. What a day that was.

I cried so hard as soon as I passed through the gate. Realizing everything was going to change -- most likely for the better -- but it meant, many people would no longer be apart of my life. 

People on my 3 plane rides, and within the 4 airports -- that I ventured through -- probably thought I was crazy as I went through waves of smile, anger, fear, and full on crying. 

I left, and arrived in Italy, with no clue of who I'd meet, what my apartment looked like, or who I'd be living with. I was completely and utterly clueless. 

I almost missed every connecting flight. I lost my luggage. Sorted it all out by speaking Italian. Got a taxi in Italian. Showed up to apartment. Didn't know how to get in, since I didn't know what floor or apartment number I had. Asked to use Caffe' Zamboni's phone -- a place I would grow to love -- and eventually ended up my apartment... 

The apartment I had no idea that would soon be filled with the most amazing people I have ever meant. Happy memories, drunken memories, delirious one. Sad ones, stressed ones -- growing, loving, amazing ones... perfect ones. 

I was greeted at my door by Daniela. Whose kindness to show me around the city meant more to me than anything in this world. She helped me get my phone and internet squared away. Showed me where the study center was, and of course all of the important sites of Bologna. She introduced me to Pizza Bo, which is the perfect city-wide network website for home delivery for any food you could want... perfect for those days you're completely incapable of leaving your bed. 

Nearly 6 months later... my apartment went from being empty, alone, and blank -- to full of smiles, memories, visions, beautiful BEAUTIFUL people, love, and laughter. 

I miss the talks I had around my kitchen table. The nights of joyous cooking, music blasting, and story sharing, before we'd all go out walking around town or dancing. 

I miss nights in, where my roommates and I would all show each other good street views of each others' houses and where we grew up -- trying to get a greater understanding of each other. 

I miss it all so much. My heart yearns for Italy every. single. day. There isn't a day that I haven't gone without thinking about it. 

I could finally fully be me for the first time -- in any setting. And that is the most invaluable thing I have ever encountered in my entire life... to be able to be you, in a setting full of unknown, and unanswered questions... that is just lovely. So very, very lovely. 

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