Friday, August 4, 2017


As Burning Man steadily approaches, and Leo season lights my spirit ablaze, I've been digging deep and thinking about what my ultimate creative intention and purpose is for this life. I've been looking closely at past passions ~and seeing if they still serve me~ while also embracing the potential in the unknown. I've also opened to the idea of forging a beautiful fusion between all passions. 

A love for writing has been embedded within me for almost 20 years; at a young age I knew I wanted to write and publish a book some day. This has really been lovingly gnawing at me the past month. There has been an indefinable momentum that has been gathering inertia, a calling to begin writing a book. 

With the spirit of fusion in mind, I know in my heart that I want to meld and bring communities together. Communities of health, science, conservation, movement, nature appreciation, yoga, intention, mindfulness, love, and STRENGTH. I want to forge the resilience and beauty within nature and inspire others to see that in themselves, while we all collaborate to conserve vital ecosystems and landscapes ~all while having love in our hearts. 

I want to inspire people by using loving words, poetry, imagery, body awareness, and meditation. This is the year I start writing my book -- I just know it. This is the year the ideas comes to mind. I want to be able to guide people, and facilitate breakthroughs, in body and nature awareness. I want to create a program that harmonizes strength building, mindfulness, love, and environmental conservation. A program that emphasizes the unity of everything, and how CONNECTED we are to nature. That we are nature in and of itself. 

I am open to whatever shapes this takes, and that it even takes my planted seed one step further, evolving it into something I never could have imagined. It is my time, to WRITE and spread loving awareness, through words, through unity. 

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